Meet Our Team
Liz WhitemanExecutive Director |
Liz grew up in northern Minnesota, 整个夏天都在帮父母在后院里挖土豆和胡萝卜. 毕业于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,获得政治学文学学士学位, 利兹追随她对再生农业和粮食主权的热情,在新奥尔良的城市花园和厄瓜多尔农村的热带农场.
She spent 5 years in Washington DC working on federal farm policy, 重点是增加对可持续农业的资助,加强WIC和SNAP等营养项目. In 2019, Liz found her way to Western North Carolina, 在威尔克斯县的翻滚浅滩农场工作了一个季节. Drawn to the High Country by the impressive local food economy, 莉兹很高兴能与当地农民和社区成员合作,继续为一个充满活力的, equitable, and sustainable food system. Liz works to d指导BRWIA的计划和员工,重点关注BRWIA计划的战略扩张和影响. Contact Liz for any of the following:
Taylor CambellFood Hub Manager |
Taylor grew up in Mt.Ulla, NC, a blip on the map with a feed store and a fire station. Having been surrounded by family farms during childhood, she was drawn to agricultural pursuits from a young age. 泰勒小时候养过小牛、小羊羔、布尔山羊,还有一匹害怕死水的马. Future Farmers of America was formative to her high school years, as well as her experience working on berry farms, milking cows at a NC research station, and the Lazy 5 Ranch.
她的兴趣使她参加了阿巴拉契亚州可持续发展项目, where she minored in Agroecology. From there, she was the Garden Coordinator at the Hospitality House, 在CFSA的洛马克斯孵化器农场拥有自己的小型花卉农场, 最近是诺克斯维尔一家鲜切花公司的农场经理, TN. 泰勒当护士的经历让人大开眼界,提醒我们食品体系中的不平等, 以及无法获得健康食品可能导致的健康问题. She is very excited about our Double Up Bucks program, 还有我们给社区组织送食品盒的工作. Contact Taylor for any of the following:
Sydney BlumeDouble Up Food Bucks & Farmers Market Manager |
Sydney came to Boone from St. Petersburg, Florida in 2014 and found her home in the Blue Ridge. 毕业于阿巴拉契亚州立大学,获得可持续发展和西班牙语学位, 悉尼管理着阿巴拉契亚州立大学的可持续校园花园,并共同创立了ClimAct, a local climate justice organization. 进入社区组织和当地食品系统有助于加强她的社区关系,并在高地地区扎根. 她还在阿巴拉契亚教授社区园艺和气候变化课程, taught at High Country Forest Wild, and served as a founding board member of BAD Composting.
悉尼离开布恩大学,前往佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)攻读食品系统理学硕士学位,专攻农业生态学和农林业, 她很高兴能回到布恩与BRWIA合作,帮助韦德app官网一个更公正、更可持续的当地食品系统. In her free time, Sydney enjoys trail running, gardening, climbing, basket weaving, painting, and playing music. Contact Sydney for the following:
Shannon CarrollFinance Coordinator |
她有30多年的经验,为瓦托加县学校提供教学技术的领导和韦德app官网. 她于2013年从瓦托加县学校退休,目前正在三个兼职职位之间分配时间-作为BRWIA的财务协调员, helping with the Lettuce Learn at Parkway School, and helping her husband, Terry, with his SunCatcher Passive Solar Greenhouse business. She also recently earned her Master Gardener certification. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢园艺,去看望她的儿子,去散步. Contact Shannon for any of the following:
Katie Cavert FerrellCommunity Relations Manager
Katie grew up in Tuscaloosa, 在阿拉巴马州,她记得小时候和父亲在花园里度过的一个炎热的下午, picking and eating strawberries. 她目前是BRWIA的食品中心卫星定位协调员,她很高兴能扩大客户可以选择当地农场订单的选择.
After studying Geology at The University of the South in Sewanee, TN, 她成为阿拉巴马州的一名环境教育家,并在尼加拉瓜担任和平队志愿者. She taught Spanish in Asheville for 5 years, 然后回到她的环保之根,在亚利桑那州立大学获得了适当技术硕士学位. With experience in education and with a new sustainability lens, Katie spent 7 years coordinating the NC Green Schools program. 凯蒂对当地食物的个人尝试是从一个小的家庭花园开始的,后来发展到在后院养鸡, fermenting vegetables, making molasses, and supporting local CSAs, and shopping at the Food Hub. In her free time, Katie enjoys yoga, dancing, hiking with her family, identifying wildflowers, and reading. Contact Katie for:
Sam SpringsDistribution Coordinator, Satellite Project |
Originally from the Sandhills region of NC, Sam was raised on camping trips to the mountains, 她想象在地球上最美丽的地方之一创造生活的地方. That dream was realized in 2018 when she moved to the High Country, and it's been getting better ever since!
萨姆一直热衷于改善周围人的生活. 她拥有UNC Greensboro的社区健康教育学士学位, 在那里,她帮助创建了一些项目,专注于改善吉尔福德县受社会经济挑战影响最大的地区的健康状况. 她在社会服务部进一步发展了她的技能, the Edible Schoolyard at the Greensboro Children's Museum, and other community- and service-based positions across the state. Over the course of her career, 她热衷于创建和韦德app官网可持续粮食系统,增加当地粮食和互助网络的可及性,从而建立相互依存的关系, self-reliant communities. 她很高兴有机会帮助设计和启动卫星项目,这将扩大食品中心, not merely for the sake of customer convenience, 但最终要减少与可及性相关的粮食差距. In her free time, Sam loves hiking, cooking, making art, dancing to live music, and cuddling with her kitty, Orion. Contact Sam for:
Maggie CaswellSatellite & Delivery Coordinator |
麦琪在北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆长大,但她总觉得群山在呼唤她的家. 从北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校获得生物学学士学位后不久, she moved to Western North Carolina. 玛吉在北卡罗莱纳拓展训练学校工作了十年, 他花了五年的时间在桌岩大本营管理后勤部门,然后在WNC指导背包课程,在佛罗里达大沼泽地指导皮划艇课程. 然后她在阿什维尔的北卡罗来纳植物园呆了两年, NC, 从事成人教育和协调自然史课程的工作, gardening, arts, and wellness.
In need of big change post-COVID, 玛吉和她的伴侣搬到了一辆露营车里,带着他们的狗搬到了布恩, Sprout and Buffy, in December 2021. 一直热衷于帮助他人和建立社区, 她很幸运能在BRWIA找到一个送货协调员的职位. In her free time, Maggie enjoys hiking, camping, paddling, dabbling in art and crafts, and spending time with friends and family. Contact Maggie for:
Jessica McClellandProducer Programs Coordinator |
Jess is originally from Huntsville, Alabama, and has called western North Carolina home for the last five years. 杰西毕业于阿巴拉契亚州立大学,获得可持续发展学位, 在那里,她对发展可持续农村经济和增加当地食物的获取产生了热情. 她目前担任韦德app组织(BRWIA)的生产者项目协调员, 在那里,她与高原地区的农民密切合作,购买和分发新鲜的当地食物,这是BRWIA当地食物作为药物(LocalFAM)计划的一部分. 杰斯还领导着BRWIA蓝岭合作区域农民培训联盟(CRAFT)项目的分会,在那里她帮助开发和组织研讨会和培训机会,以韦德app官网小农扩大他们的业务. In addition to her work with BRWIA, Jess homesteads in Triplett, NC, where she raises chickens, herbs, market vegetables, and LOTS of weeds.
在她的空闲时间,她可以发现做饭,爬山,或与她的狗跑步. Contact Jess for:
Darienne MontgomeryFood Hub Assistant Manager |
Darienne is from Lynchburg, Virginia, 在那里,她在徒步旅行时花时间探索和学习蓝岭山脉, swimming, camping, and, of course, snacking. 她还喜欢和妈妈一起在花园里干活,和奶奶一起在厨房里用爷爷和其他社区成员菜园里的新鲜农产品制作饭菜. 她对自然和艺术的热爱使她从事自然纪录片和摄影的职业,并毕业于弗吉尼亚联邦大学,获得大众传播专业的广播新闻学学位.
后来,她搬到北卡罗莱纳西部,进一步沉浸在户外行业,并在志同道合的社区中担任摄影师和木筏向导. 然后她被带回家乡,在弗吉尼亚合作推广中心工作了两年,担任农业营销和项目助理, 在那里,她担任社区韦德app官网农业项目的协调员和营销人员,当地农民在第一年为100多名客户提供服务. 她喜欢在当地食品系统中工作,并帮助扩大当地食品系统,同时成为加德纳大师,并韦德app官网其他农业和4h相关项目. 她期待着与BRWIA团队一起学习和工作,并提供她的经验和技能. Darienne还拥有自己的事业,作为一名委托画家,以“元素艺术家”的名义,以视觉艺术的形式转化和分享她对自然的热爱 When she is off the clock, you can find her mountain biking or hiking, kayaking, painting, practicing yoga, cooking a delicious, home-cooked meal filled with the best, local products, or attending the next best live show. |
Courtney WheelerOutreach and Events Coordinator |
Courtney is a Boone native, 她在温斯顿-塞勒姆和罗利的非营利机构工作后,于2020年回到了家乡. 她毕业于塞勒姆学院,主修传播和非营利管理. While at Salem, 她对建立社区和通过非营利性工作创造积极变化产生了热情.
Most recently, 她花了十多年的时间在屡获殊荣的草根音乐非营利组织担任会员协调员, PineCone, the Piedmont Council of Traditional Music in Raleigh, NC. 在她任职期间,她被授予贝蒂·西格尔通用访问 & 她的作品使PineCone和国际蓝草音乐协会(IBMA)的年度蓝草世界活动对残疾人无障碍. In addition to her role at BRWIA, Courtney是Joe Shannon's Mountain Home Music的执行董事, 一个致力于保存阿巴拉契亚表演艺术的非营利组织. 考特尼很高兴利用她的热情在她的社区创造持久的变化, 继续开展BRWIA已经开展的工作,韦德app官网当地农民,并在高地地区建立可持续和公平的粮食系统. Contact Courtney about:
Lily Lipford
Farmers Market Assistant |
Lily grew up in Boone and loves being apart of the local community. Being from the area, 她对本地化我们的食物系统和获得丰富的营养有强烈的感觉, diversified food on the plates of those in our vibrant community. 莉莉在一个小规模的牧场家禽农场工作后,发现了她对农业的热爱, Wild Hair Ranch in Creston, NC. 在那里,她对再生农业产生了热情,帮助建立健全的粮食系统. Lily目前正在阿巴拉契亚州立大学攻读可持续发展学位,主修农业生态学和可持续农业, where she has found a passion for Appalachian Studies, 并努力将该地区深厚的历史农业根源融入到我们当前的农业场景中. 在她的空闲时间,你可以发现她做饭,和朋友远足,园艺和演奏音乐! Contact Lily for any of the following: