Madelyn George是一位企业家, 影响投资者, and business coach with an MBA from Duke University and a BA in Dance from Columbia College in Chicago. She began work as a small business consultant in 2010 specializing in pre-revenue startups and early stage business growth. 在水疗和健康行业有额外的经验, 2014年,玛德琳开了这家名为Valle Crucis的薰衣草屋. 薰衣草屋合并水疗中心, 零售, and agritourism in one unconventional business model with an internal strategy to nurture entrepreneurship among local creatives. Currently Madelyn is also a full-time lecturer in the management department at App State, 担任Hatchet Coffee的首席财务官. 该地区的附加董事会服务包括高地地区优先. |
Caroline Stahlschmidt副主席
Caroline Stahlschmidt is a nutritionist and Director of Education at the Functional Nutrition Alliance. 她还在社区瑜伽教瑜伽超过十年. 她拿的是M。.S. in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from University of Western States and a B.S. 迈阿密大学环境科学专业. Caroline loves spending time outdoors and you can often find her hiking with her two dogs or mountain 骑自行车 the local trails. She is passionate about supporting the local 食物 system and getting creative in her kitchen with vegetables from our incredible local farmers and her own garden. |
Lanae’s love for local 食物 brought her to the Local Environmental Agriculture Project (LEAP) where she serves as the Director of Virginia Fresh Match. VFM为缺乏资源的家庭购买新鲜食品提供金钱奖励, local 食物 and facilitates a network of over 100 farmers’ markets and other 零售 食物 outlets. 在加入LEAP之前, Lanae做了十年的营养学教授, 食品安全研究员, 当地食品系统的倡导者. 她目前担任BRWIA的董事会秘书, 高地食品中心和国王街的顾问委员会. 农贸市场,以及双倍食品奖励计划的大使. 她在阿巴拉契亚的农村长大,是北卡罗来纳州的长期居民. She lives on a homestead situated on the NC/VA border where her family raises fruits and vegetables, 蛋鸡, 和传统品种的昆昆猪. Her favorite pastime is historic 食物 preservation and canning, especially jam-and salsa-making.
Amy Roberts is currently the Senior Director of Finance and Systems for Campus Services at Appalachian State University. 她还曾担任副财务总监, 助理控制器, 1999年起担任特别基金会计总监. Her university system work experience covers auxiliary enterprise accounting and financial reporting, post-award合同 & 授权管理, 捐赠与投资会计, 服务中心成本核算, 以及基金会资助资金的管理. Before joining the university system, she served as CFO for 非营利组织 in the Piedmont. 艾米非常重视可持续发展、食品安全和营养方面的教育. 她在工作之余把许多时间和精力都花在烹饪上, 园艺, 保存, 并在她的小镇迷你农场开发可食用景观. |
洛里·路德维希(洛丽·路德维希)是一名绩效改进专家,拥有硕士学位.S. 工业组织心理学博士.D. 在西密歇根大学应用行为分析. She has over 20 years of experience helping clients with strategy execution across different industries, 来自全球财富500强企业, 创新创业, 人类服务, 非营利组织, 给当地的小企业. 她目前是Performance Ally的联合创始人, 剑桥行为研究中心的理事, 组织行为管理网络执行主任. Lori is passionate about helping 非营利组织 thrive and is excited to help BRWIA optimize its impact in our community.
悉尼·菲利普斯(Sydney Phillips)是蓝岭保护协会的行政助理. 她和她的丈夫, 泰勒, moved to Boone from Eastern North Carolina where she managed projects for a non-profit that focused on improving health outcomes for children. Part of that work was creating a 食物 system value chain to improve 食物 procurement practices for child care centers while positively impacting the local farm economy as well. Sydney and 泰勒 are empty nesters; they enjoy trail running, 骑自行车, 在高地徒步旅行和露营. |
艾伦在 维克森林大学法学院; she also teaches teachers how to teach online. Ellen grew up in Eastern North Carolina, and her roots in NC agriculture run deep. 她向西穿过北卡罗来纳州, 拥有北卡州立大学农业商业学士学位和教学技术硕士学位, 维克森林大学的法学博士. 在加入维克森林法学院之前, 她是美国联邦上诉法院书记员, 公司律师, 也是非营利组织的执行董事. 作为一名狂热的面包师,艾伦最喜欢的地方是她的厨房. 多亏了BRWIA,她目前正在学习罐头艺术. 艾伦喜欢冬天, 她和她的丈夫, 史蒂夫, 尽可能多地呆在北卡罗莱纳州山麓的小木屋里. |
卡拉拥有并经营着布恩城外的满月农场. 她和她的丈夫 started the produce farm in 2016 and it has grown to be a thriving business serving the High Country 食品中心, 区域餐厅, 还有当地的食物银行. 在农业之前, her background is in community organizing to support clean energy and environmental justice. 作为一个终身的自然爱好者和人权倡导者, 她很感激有机会提供营养, 为她的社区提供有机蔬菜和水果. She values the long line of ancestral guidance and all present relations that bring balance and healing to this vital work. |
Ann Brown is a native North Carolinian who lives on her husband's 5th generation family farm in the Rutherwood community on the crest of the blue ridge. 她拥有食品科学学位, 微生物学, 统计数据, and Education from NC State and UNC and has worked in the 食物 safety and regulatory industry. 安的热情在于食物的准备和背后的科学, 她母亲在她很小的时候就培养了她的热情. Ann is CFO of BFR Beef, Inc and co-owner of the business along with her son and daughter-in-law. She takes pride in both the 食物 safety and the inventory systems she has helped implement in the business. 你可以看到安在送货, 为家人和其他人服务, 作为当地农贸市场的代言人. |